Empowering post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda Orientation
In carrying out its mission, the CEREPPOL naturally places much emphasis on giving real means of action to local populations in many developing countries. First of all, we at CEREPPOL are committed to bring about changes in behavior for stakeholders, people and Institutions.

To give sense to our global action “Global CEREPPOL 2015-2020”, we give voice to civil society and various interests groups all over the world. CEREPPOL is planning for TUE., 14 April 2015 the pre-registration and participation for the meeting. Terms and conditions for applying (Participants and non-governmental organizations) to the coming High Level Discussion foreseen for November 2015 at the United Nations Office in Geneva are available on the website at wwwcereppol.org.
Because we care about you and because you’re important to us, join the debate: get involved in the next High Level discussion to be held at UN Geneva for November next.