lundi 27 mai 2013

Political event: New European transnational party in Europe “made in France” now available. Join the debate.

The European movement for Citizens' (in French “Mouvement pour l’Europe des citoyens ©®) leader François DI SALVO is sending out a call for an innovative citizen team building for a new governance in Europe.

The socioeconomic model of Europe appears to be a determining feature of the new objectives of the EU. From the point of view of democracy, nothing much has changed in Europe, even when policymakers have had the intention to improve a new pattern of open society.

In a few words, criteria of change were not very obvious and explicit: on the one hand, it is very difficult to rely on the forecast of EU particularly when the changes turned out to be temporary. Since Amsterdam treaty, citizens were proposed to invest on Europe as a valid economic structure. After a period trial of 15 years, many of the individual “investors” have noticed the bankrupt of the political system. Contrary to States who can provide new means of development for themselves, people are locked up in a cell, counting the minutes left of their life.
Who cares about this, really...  except when things are going wrong inside the EU political Meccano itself?
 On the other hand, this political system has fixed a certain number of conditions to avoid citizens to modulate or change internal rules that are still allowing policymakers to concoct a special dish that suits to the majority. Do you really think it is a fair behaviour when a European rule fixes the condition of recognition of who is admitted to be a political party?
Step by step, citizens’ voice is collapsing into a no-man's land that deserves the common interest and advantages a form of political oligarchy. Moreover, have you ever tried to join you political deputy in Brussels or Strasbourg ?  Most of the time, they are too busy at works to debate on the absinthe question, obviously. Who can explain, then, that during that same working time some have the time to chat on tweeter?  Shall we presume that 7 790 euro per month is only a small compensation for a few hours of political debate on social networks? Within this period, many workers are getting on the dole... Everything is all for the best in the best of all worlds.
Enough is enough.  Such a situation poses a major challenge to the European movement for Citizens: time has come to reboot the entire system. 741 million of EU Citizens are waiting to be rescued because of the empowerment of a profit model of association that damages the concept of an increasingly prosperous Europe of full employment.
To clearly notify European deciders the fact that citizens’ voice is what helps Europe to make the difference, the board of the EMC party is launching today a worldwide appeal to join the movement. Call for adhesion and cooperative support for a more comprehensive Europe. 

Your voice, your passion, your energy must fuel our overall thinking as we face the future.

Your opinion, your force our commitment. Be active :  BecauseYou are very important to us.

Join us on Facebook :

mercredi 22 mai 2013

European Union apathy : President of CEREPPOL gets a foot on the door for EU votes in 2014.

Next EU elections scheduled for May 2014 : EU apathy versus CEREPPOL's President new emerging voice *
General directorate of Institutional relations, CEREPPOL.
* This release is provided for information purposes, and is being consulted by journalists all over the world.
   General information provided by INSTANT RP, communication.

"Creating a new "made in Europe" way of living. Francois Di Salvo, President in Office of the EU organization, is proposing to EU citizens who want to join him the new deal that will change our everyday life after 2014."


France and Europe of lost illusions: the President of CEREPPOL ready to "invest the political field" for the next elections scheduled for 2014.

"2013 is the time of choice for citizens but also for policy makers ... fatalism is not a solution. We must mobilize and restore a healthy ambition to everyone. "

France has given birth to a political majority; Europe has played his last trump card. Ultimately all that has not permitted to remove the civil society and the 740 million European citizens of fatalism in which everyone is drowning today.
François Di Salvo, current Chairman of CEREPPOL (website), can not hold his anger in drawing up, at all levels of civil society, the list of ailments that so cruelly deprive European citizens the chance to live in an area of peace and freedom that provides dignity to all.
Some causes: The great continuity trends and directions, from one year to another, which is no longer attracting. It may also be mentioned that the various current politicians no longer embody a very limited hope to see Europe built around real values, but also speak with one voice.
It is therefore a red card, which CEREPPOL is producing today to the Heads of State and Government, and with good reason. Only five of 27 European leaders have responded to the "Call of February 18, 2013" issued by the CEREPPOL (France, Belgium, Spain, European Commission, European Parliament).
In short, a low morale, a growth that approaches the economic status of India during the '60 and the underdeveloped countries in the early '50, the European population is tired to see the impotence of political facing how the world works.
From this deplorable observation, François Di Salvo opts for a political commitment to serve the European citizens. Meet the defined change and solidarity, only a "European Spring" is able to reach to that point.
This spring has come now: a new message should be clearly indicated in our policy makers. A great political movement is seeing the day in the Drôme department (France) in the interest of 740 million citizens.
In the coming weeks the launch will take in a press conference from the future headquarters of the new political party. Members of written and audio-visual media will then be able to relay this new hope "Made in Drôme."

samedi 11 mai 2013

Fête de l'Europe - Europe Day celebration

En avant la Fête de l'Europe 2013 

So let the Europe Day celebration begin !

This year the celebration will take place in TOURNON SUR RHONE (07300) - FRANCE
Cette année l'événement se déroulera à TOURNON SUR RHONE (07300) - FRANCE

From May 15 to May 16, 2013 - 09:00 until 16:30 

"Lycée du Sacré Cœur" 
7 avenue de la Gare 07300 TOURNON SUR RHÔNE, F.

Suivez ce lien pour accéder à l'information.
Follow this link for further information :
European Celebration Day 2013 in Tournon SUR RHONE, France

L'événement s'adresse à l'ensemble des lycéens des classes de 1ère et de Terminale.

This Open Space event is dedicated to all pupils on final grade, and the last two classes at High school, on the occasion of the European Celebration Day.