lundi 15 décembre 2014

Europe's not the master of the free world : no experience to manage Israel and Palestine's crisis

Communication Unit, CEREPPOL & M.E.C - Brussels, 15.12.2014

Europe is about to play with Israeli and Palestinian's nerves. What for ?
Is it the result of a purely disinterested approach or should we see a clumsy attempt to "put the fire on oil" in the Middle East? Ukraine's experience has shown that the EU had not been able to respond to local development issues.

See complete article - click on the link below

ENGLISH format

FRENCH format

Thank you for your feedback on the theme of the further development of Israeli/Palestinians relations.

lundi 1 décembre 2014

Tous Unis Contre le SIDA 2014: le CEREPPOL et le M.E.C soutiennent « Fight Aids Monaco »

All United against HIV/AIDS 2014 : CEREPPOL and M.E.C support "Fight Aids Monaco" Initiatives.

One visit, one click at and 1 euro given to this cause. Please do not forget to make us a donation (see "DONATIONS" in RED on the website), under ref. CER/FGHTAIDS2014

Thank you for your participation and commitment 

The CEREPPOL and M.E.C Team.

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Report on the process of non-discrimination Against Women: Hearing of Venezuela to the UN, Geneva - October 2014 | EU Movement for Citizens

The last report (in French) on the non-discrimination process against women in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is now ready. 

Article 18 of the Convention provides that States parties to the Convention shall submit to the Secretary-General, for consideration by the Committee, a report on the legislative, judicial, administrative or other measures that they have adopted to give effect to the provisions of the Convention and on the progress made in that respect. Reports are to be submitted within one year after the entry into force of the Convention for the State concerned and thereafter at least every four years and, further, whenever the Committee so requests.

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) has accepted to inform the CEDAW members on the progresses made since their last venue to the follow-up meeting. 

You can have access to the entire document by clicking on the link :

We hope you enjoy the information and remain at your disposal for further discussion or analysis.

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Rapport relatif au processus de non-discrimination à l'égard des Femmes : Audition du Venezuela à l'ONU, Genève | Mouvement pour l'Europe des Citoyens

Le dernier rapport d'audition sur le processus de non-discrimination à l'égard des femmes est disponible.
Pour y accéder, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture du document.

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samedi 9 août 2014

Annoucement : Join us to the European Democracy Day at EESC in September 2014

Invitation to participate to the European Democracy Day event 

Come to celebrate this special Day that will take place in Brussels, on 

Mon. 15 September 2014 from 11:45 am to 02:00 pm.

Every citizen is welcome to assist and participate. Just remember to register your presence on the institutional website of CEREPPOL at or just fill in the form once you have joined the main page of the website (a pop up window).

lundi 14 juillet 2014

Le CEREPPOL lance une Initiative Citoyenne européenne

Service de Communication, CEREPPOL – Bruxelles, le 14.07.2014


Pour célébrer la JOURNÉE INTERNATIONALE DE LA DÉMOCRATIE, le Centre Européen de Recherche et de Prospective Politique (CEREPPOL) organise une grande Initiative Citoyenne Européenne sur le thème de la réforme démocratique des Institutions après 2015.

A cette fin, il souhaite soumettre dans les conditions prévues par la mise en œuvre du traité de Lisbonne une initiative législative à la Commission aux fins de faire bouger l’Europe dans le sens de la démocratie réelle et inclusive.

Pour réaliser cette première étape, le CEREPPOL doit impérativement constituer un COMITÉ DE CITOYENS EUROPÉENS ISSUS DE 7 ÉTATS MEMBRES DE L’UNION EUROPÉENNE.

La constitution de ce COMITÉ est obligatoire, et à cette toute personne qui a la volonté de soutenir notre action citoyenne doit faire parvenir par e-mail une COPIE DE SON PASSEPORT (PDF) ET INDIQUER (si cela ne figure pas sur le document) SON ADRESSE DOMICILIAIRE.

L’adresse de retour de votre document est la suivante :


Le CEREPPOL vous remercie de diffuser ce message à l’ensemble de vos connaissances. Pensez que chaque voix compte, et que votre mobilisation active, au jour le jour est essentielle à la réalisation de nos actions.

Pour nous joindre :
Twitter: @cereppol 
e-mail : 

lundi 23 juin 2014

CNUCED /UNCTAD, 28EME Session extraordinaire pour le commerce et le développement - Genève (Suisse)

Communication Unit of CEREPPOL - Brussels, 23.06.2014

Now available on our website at the last issue on UNCTAD's conference at United Nations in Geneva, on Friday 17 June, 2014. See our paper on the necessity to give UNCTAD's members the right to change the role between developing countries and industrialized ones. A better development for all in the world is the best way to make inclusiveness a step toward wellness for disadvantaged populations in many regions.

CNUCED /UNCTAD, 28EME Session extraordinaire pour le commerce et le développement - Genève (Suisse)

vendredi 23 mai 2014

Quadrennial Activity report 2014

The CEREPPOL is pleased to inform you that the 2014 Quadrennial activity Report is on line today.

Text and comments have both in French and English. We really hope you gonna appreciate it.

This would not have been possible without all the persons interested in CEREPPOL's support.


samedi 4 janvier 2014

A photo contest open to diversity: celebrate the Women International Day, as you would like it…

To celebrate the Women International Day on March 8th, 2014

The European Movement for Citizens in cooperation with the European Research Centre on Forward Political Studies (CEREPPOL) is organising a European photo contest open to a wide range of passionate photographers through the 28 Member states.

This year, in order to celebrate gender equality between men and women, i.e. one of the fundamental principles of Community law, two organisations and the European Parliament, on the one hand, and on the other hand the United Nations (UN Women – UNHQ) have decided to sustain the challenge. 

To have more information, please go on the specific web page for the event : EUWOmenDay2014

We really enjoy to register your participation to this european event. Be numerous to candidate.

Partenariats - Partners and stakeholders

Le CEREPPOL tient à remercier les organisations et Institutions ci-après pour leur participation au projet IWD 2014. The Board of CEREPPOL wants to tank all the stakeholders for their participation to the IWD 2014 :