mercredi 19 septembre 2012

CEREPPOL institutional Website

Dear Visitor, Dear Reader
The European Centre for Research and Policy Forecasting (CEREPPOL) informs you of the opening of its dedicated institutional website.

We created a more user-friendly tool. It will allow you to access the European information and news in one "click". You can connect to the following URL:
You will find this address all the relevant information on Europe Institutions, and have access to many areas through flash presentations, downloadable product literature.

Note that a "blog" is waiting for you. There should be room for diverse formal outlook about Europe. Speak up your mind!

Our webmaster developed new applications to improve traffic flows on this website. Since today, the online journal of CEREPPOL is available at the same address.

Sensitive to your needs and other suggestions, we hope to see you soon on our new communication space.

Enjoy your visit.



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