mardi 23 juillet 2013

Appel à propositions - Call for proposals : European Conference on sustainable development and employement


First European Conference preparing the “Brussels of sustainable development 2014-2020”

Comité économique et social européen (Bruxelles)
European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels)

9 et 10 octobre 2013 -October, 9 - 10, 2013 

This year with the help of the European Parliament and the European Economic and social Committee, the CEREPPOL (European Center for Research and Political Prospective) is organizing the First EU Conference to set up the “Brussels of sustainable development 2014-2020”.

Under the UN leadership too and in accordance with the ECOSOC Committee, this conference is a first stage to undertake a cross-grounds' dialogue between civil society organizations and other key stakeholders at the national /European/ international level.

Many NGO’s and associations are invited to assist and participate to this event.

To welcome you, CEREPPOL provides an exclusive environment inside the European Economic and Social Committee, at Brussels.

This meeting will be organized as follows. First day i.e. Wednesday 9 of October 2013, the Conference begins at 9:45 AM (09H30) and finishes at 6:00PM (18H00) (deadline). Second day, i.e. Thursday 10 of October 2013, the second session Conference will begins at 9:30 AM (09H30) and finishes at 5:00 PM (17H00).

People interested to assist this Conference can apply for accreditation to CEREPPOL, Institutional Relations Secretary, by email mentioning all the information required such as Name, address, state, date of birth and citizen's id. card or passport number.

Note that the access to the European Economic and social Committee is not granted in case you are not in possession of a valid identity document. Thank you for your comprehension.

People involved in a specific and relevant work in the field of sustainable development (Doctoral researcher, Post-doctoral researchers, Members of NGO, freelance researchers…) can apply for this Call for Papers. We remind you that deadline for submitting your project is September 16 -2013.

In any case, your request or your “Papers” can be sent till September 16, 2013 to this institutional mail:

For further information, visit our web site : see link below.

See conditions for applying to this OPEN SPACE / CONFERENCE on the Internet website of CEREPPOL.
Prenez connaissance des conditions pour candidater et proposer votre "papier" scientifique lors de la manifestation.
Languages of work : French/Français, English, Anglais/ Italian, Italien / Spanish, Espagnol




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