India’s 2013 gendercide facts: how would European cope with sex extermination if this was the future issue in EU policy regulation?
Brussels, Friday, 25 October 2013
"Despite strong economic growth, gender inequality remains a major problem in India. An international attention over the years has yet given measurable effects on practice of sex-selective abortions. A lot of knowledge on sex discrimination in India has been accumulated over the past 20 years.
Detailed statistics from official sources describe several aspects of sex abortion practices. At this time, since 2011, census has showed a real decline of the number of girls under the age of 6/7. Facts speak for themselves: for every 1,000 boys India’s statistics have declined from 976 to 914 in 2011.This tends to prove that India’s ratio of young girl to boys is one of the worst after China.
Today, the practice of female infanticide is still a problem in some Indian regions like the West provinces, but we must consider also that a high mortality ratio still exists too." (...)
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