samedi 28 septembre 2013

The CEREPPOL press box Sept.28, 2013 - la Tribune européenne du CEREPPOL

European new - Actualité européenne - Current developments - Europa Auftrieb verliehen

The CEREPPOL Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy service is glad to inform you of the new release on the European developments.

See the European op-ed by the Executive President of the organization:

"CEREPPOL seeks Social Responsibility in European Enhancement model of everyday Competitiveness.
European elections in 2014 are now entering again in MEPs’ interests. Like French expression, “the race to shallot is opened…” European changes are still being imperceptible in our everyday life.

To this end, CEREPPOL President in-Office François Di salvo wants to bring on the negotiations’ table a new effective approach of the concept of corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Nowadays EU economy gives proof of a too small recovery at the beginning of the second semester 2013, but road map towards continuous efforts shows drastic costs for the States but also for the Small/Medium Companies too. In the past five years, our European leaders gambled on the positive effects of flexibility in work.
Today this “deal” is not productive enough all over Europe to modify the demographic structure of employment. In many
member states, the use of the flexibility model has generated small economies of scale to meet affordable cost savings, while in some more fortunate Member states this had some benefic outcomes.
“It is obvious… If only that kind of agreement between States, EU institutions and Companies exists, it is like the house that Jack built. Nothing will be able to produce notably changes in the way that the new employment scheme can reach more people to accede to dignity, independence and personal development”. That is the reason why a model of growth in EU policy schemes that would only replicate under superficial arrangements the ancient European agreements is simply unthinkable.
Europe cannot afford the luxury of discrediting the European citizens believes (...)"

Wanna read full text, please click HERE

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