dimanche 10 novembre 2013

La France : l'autre Grèce en puissance ? Signes avant-coureurs et prémonitions d’une « faillite » budgétaire.

Article de presse, Christian IMBERT - Dimanche 10 Novembre, 2013

"Qui a dit que le fruit ne tombait jamais très loin de l’arbre ?"

"La France subit un revers cuisant depuis que Standard & Poor’s a abaissé la note de confiance envers la France et mis le doute certain sur sa capacité de notre pays à honorer ses créances à moyen terme. C'est en rétrogradant la France à la note « AA » que le secteur privé de la finance mondiale évalue négativement l’efficacité de meures gouvernementales du Président Hollande depuis ces 18 derniers mois. Un vrai coup dur pour ne pas dire un réel camouflet." (...)

Lire la suite : cliquer sur le lien ICI

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dimanche 3 novembre 2013

M.E.C political Party and CEREPPOL join the debate: Yes to a European Chart on LGBT rights, Yes to “otherness”, No to discrimination anymore | EU Movement for Citizens

CEREPPOL Chairman provides support to M.E.C political party: yes to a measure of public European interest that will dedicate new rights for LGBT people.

M.E.C political Party joins the debate: Yes to a European Chart on LGBT rights, Yes to “otherness”, No to discrimination anymore | EU Movement for Citizens:

“We need today a united and common legal framework in Europe where LGBT cannot be held back by obstacles of any kind”.
The purpose of this reflection is to implement gender equality not only versus persons living with disabilities, or women, but also for LGBT persons in Europe. However, we do not ignore the weakness or strengths of some National laws regarding EU ruling, we aim at accelerating changes in that domain because the acceptance of “otherness” is also the core point that the next EU evolution step will have to cope with.
To reach to that point of mutual acceptance and recognition of everyone right to leave in peace, this paper emphasizes that a sustainable issue on LGBT fundamental Act needs to meet a common intentionality through a general agreement on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against LGBT in the 28 member States.
In analyzing EU law on gender equality, the intention is to point out the primary issues of implementing this general agreement within the EU legal framework. The explicit differences of practicing non-discrimination against LGBTs (among the 28 member States) have to guide us in direction of a new initiating process. It is important until now to explore new legal instruments that can comply with a wide LGBT integration in our everyday life. " (...)

Want to read more ? skip to the main article : HERE

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Le M.E.C prend part au débat : Oui à une Charte européenne des droits LGBT, oui à «l'altérité», Non à la discrimination

le CEREPPOL apporte son soutien au M.E.C : oui à une mesure d'intérêt collectif européen qui permettra à l'avenir de consacrer de nouveaux droits pour les LGBT.

Communiqué de presse du 2 nov.2013, Communication Corporate du M.E.C, Brussels.

Le M.E.C prend part au débat : Oui à une Charte européenne des droits LGBT, oui à l'altérité», Non à la discrimination

"Nous avons besoin aujourd'hui d’un cadre juridique commun en Europe où les LGBT ne peuvent être freinés par des obstacles de toute nature".

Le but de cette réflexion est de poursuivre la mise en œuvre de l'égalité des sexes non seulement pour les personnes vivant avec un handicap, ou les femmes, mais aussi pour les personnes LGBT en Europe. Cependant, sans ignorer la faiblesse ou la force de certaines législations nationales qui tiennent compte de la jurisprudence de l'UE, il semble temps d’accélérer des changements dans ce domaine. Car l'acceptation de «l'altérité» constitue aussi le point central sur lequel la prochaine étape de l'évolution de l'UE aura à se pencher.

Pour parvenir à un niveau d'acceptation mutuelle et de reconnaissance du droit de chacun à pouvoir vivre en paix, ce document souligne que pour parvenir à un résultat durable, quant à la rédaction d’une Charte des droits LGBT, il importe que les intentions convergent au sujet d’ un accord général sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination contre les LGBT dans les 28 États membres.

En analysant la législation européenne sur l'égalité des sexes, l'intention est de souligner les principales questions de mise en œuvre de cet accord général dans le cadre juridique de l'UE. Les écarts dans la pratique de la non-discrimination contre les LGBT (dans chacun des 28 Etats membres) doivent nous guider dans la direction d'un nouveau processus créateur de droits. Il est important, dès cet instant, d’explorer de nouveaux instruments juridiques qui peuvent convenir à une large intégration LGBT dans notre vie quotidienne.

Lire la suite : cliquez ICI

samedi 26 octobre 2013

Is a European scheme that rejects solidarities at all level in measure to be accepted today by EU-citizens? | EU Movement for Citizens

Is a European scheme that rejects solidarities at all level in measure to be accepted today by EU-citizens? | EU Movement for Citizens: "Press release on 5.10.2013 - By Monique Francesconi, spokespêrson of the M.E.C political Party.

On Pascal Delwit own admission, he is a political scientist at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), it seems that this negation was further enhanced when economic and structural factors related to the enlargement of the European Union have been highlighted by the Greek crisis. The situation has been completed on the other hand with the rise in social sectarianism. In that context, extremist political parties were on the rise. It allowed them to reach the pinnacle of the popularity more over to seat on the wave and surf. This process had led to more harm than good for Europe and its citizens."

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Pouvons-nous accepter en 2014 une Europe qui nie les solidarités ? Les élections de 2014 et leurs enjeux à long terme... | Mouvement pour l'Europe des Citoyens

vendredi 25 octobre 2013

Press box of Christian Imbert, Chairman of CEREPPOL org.

India’s 2013 gendercide facts: how would European cope with sex extermination if this was the future issue in EU policy regulation?

Brussels, Friday, 25 October 2013 

"Despite strong economic growth, gender inequality remains a major problem in India. An international attention over the years has yet given measurable effects on practice of sex-selective abortions. A lot of knowledge on sex discrimination in India has been accumulated over the past 20 years. 

Detailed statistics from official sources describe several aspects of sex abortion practices. At this time, since 2011, census has showed a real decline of the number of girls under the age of 6/7. Facts speak for themselves: for every 1,000 boys India’s statistics have declined from 976 to 914 in 2011.This tends to prove that India’s ratio of young girl to boys is one of the worst after China.

Today, the practice of female infanticide is still a problem in some Indian regions like the West provinces, but we must consider also that a high mortality ratio still exists too." (...)

* * *
Read more ? Skip to CEREPPOL's page

samedi 28 septembre 2013

The CEREPPOL press box Sept.28, 2013 - la Tribune européenne du CEREPPOL

European new - Actualité européenne - Current developments - Europa Auftrieb verliehen

The CEREPPOL Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy service is glad to inform you of the new release on the European developments.

See the European op-ed by the Executive President of the organization:

"CEREPPOL seeks Social Responsibility in European Enhancement model of everyday Competitiveness.
European elections in 2014 are now entering again in MEPs’ interests. Like French expression, “the race to shallot is opened…” European changes are still being imperceptible in our everyday life.

To this end, CEREPPOL President in-Office François Di salvo wants to bring on the negotiations’ table a new effective approach of the concept of corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Nowadays EU economy gives proof of a too small recovery at the beginning of the second semester 2013, but road map towards continuous efforts shows drastic costs for the States but also for the Small/Medium Companies too. In the past five years, our European leaders gambled on the positive effects of flexibility in work.
Today this “deal” is not productive enough all over Europe to modify the demographic structure of employment. In many
member states, the use of the flexibility model has generated small economies of scale to meet affordable cost savings, while in some more fortunate Member states this had some benefic outcomes.
“It is obvious… If only that kind of agreement between States, EU institutions and Companies exists, it is like the house that Jack built. Nothing will be able to produce notably changes in the way that the new employment scheme can reach more people to accede to dignity, independence and personal development”. That is the reason why a model of growth in EU policy schemes that would only replicate under superficial arrangements the ancient European agreements is simply unthinkable.
Europe cannot afford the luxury of discrediting the European citizens believes (...)"

Wanna read full text, please click HERE

lundi 16 septembre 2013

"Brussels of Environment" Conference on OCT. 2013 - Doctoral/post-doctoral competition notice

Abstract of the Entire article published on Facebook
Thank you for your visit on Facebook.

* * *
"This year, in October, the CEREPPOL Board of Management organizes the "European Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development after 2014". The event will take place at EESC, Building TREVES, 74 rue des TREVES - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)

To encourage young researchers and doctoral / post-doctoral researchers to take part into the enhancement of Europe, the European Research Center on Forward Political Studies took the commitment to promote and develop local initiatives on the various themes of the Conference.

To this purpose, the European organization wants to give value to original works that would explore new outlooks in the fields of research, information and links between the notion of "sustainable development" and notion of ”long term sustainable employment”.

  • The best "paper" selected after the Conference will be published into the CEREPPOL REVIEW. The CEREPPOL Award will be given to the best paper or poster presentation given by doctoral or post-doctoral researchers. 
  • The winner will be awarded of a cash bursary or a short-term partnership (Depends on the decision of the CEREPPOL Board of Management). 

In any case, your work must be original; prior to the Conference, you paper must not be published in a review. All written submissions must be free of plagiarism.

* * * *
We hope to see you there and display your personal expertise.

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dimanche 15 septembre 2013

Press release : France : Indemnités de représentation et de frais de mandat ou du détournement en République de l’argent des contribuables.

Entre rapt de démocratie et dissimulation malhonnête de sincérité en 2013, la France montre l'exemple à ne pas suivre.

Vous avez dit: IRFM ? 

Ces indemnités sont de 6 412 euros par mois. Idéalement, elles doivent permettre aux députés de "faire face aux diverses dépenses liées à l'exercice de leur mandat qui ne sont pas directement prises en charge ou remboursées par l'Assemblée". Or, en France, en 30 ans de réformes fiscales, institutionnelles et constitutionnelles, jamais une seule majorité de "droite" ou de "gauche" ne s’est attaquée à cette question. Quid ?

Et c’est là que le bât blesse, car dans la plupart des cas, un très grand nombre d’élus de la représentation nationale n’hésite pas à organiser des détournements volontaires de fonds publics pour servir des intérêts strictement privés.
La France berceau de la démocratie et des « droits de l’homme » dévoile peu à peu son double visage pernicieux.

*  *  * 

Le pays des situations de rentes entretenues au sommet de l’édifice politique et démocratique, invente des stratagèmes pour se constituer en douce un patrimoine immobilier. En l’espèce, cette indemnité a permis de nombreux tours de passe-passe. Il s’agit, par exemple, de faire passer sur l'enveloppe  budgétaire publique le crédit lié à l'achat d'un logement; celui-ci servira ensuite de permanence parlementaire avant que de revenir dans le cercle des biens privés.Que penser de telles pratiques toujours en vigueur en France, alors que l’Europe s’érige pour la forme contre toute pratique de corruption financière ?  
Et si l’Etat Français, en cela les députés et les sénateurs qui se livrent à la fraude, n’était que le prolongement dissimulé des anciennes habitudes ramenées du fin-fond des traditions d’Ancien Régime (...)

Pour lire la suite, cliquez ICI (site officiel du CEREPPOL) 

dimanche 8 septembre 2013

Fil Presse - News-wire (3) September 2013

A new press article is now available on our institutional website

Brussels, François Di Salvo, 8.09.2013 - CEREPPOL’s call for a more democratic Europe: EU leaders said No to drivers of change.

"When CEREPPOL addressed his LETTER TO ALL WHO LOVE EUROPE, in February 2013, to the 27 member states and to three of the fourth European Institutions, the President in Office of the European organization challenged EU leaders to move toward a new negotiation process in favor of a more courageous Treaty. 

As things may let it supposed, many of the 27 political leaders have preferred to ignore a common talk and avoid long-term comings for EU citizens. However, this kind of behavior in “a more inclusive Europe” as we can retrieve from policy common expression is leading grow popular frustration and generates counterproductive objectives regarding European civilian aims. It is clear that citing streets, protests like what happened in Athens, or Rome, or Madrid and may one day in France is preparing heated disputes between European people and half-legitimated representatives of citizens’ aspirations. (...)"

Read more : Connection to cereppol website

mercredi 28 août 2013

Conférence "Bruxelles de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable" - Appel à communications, OCT. 2013 at EESC

Brussels of Environment and Sustainable Development Conference

Mercredi 9 Octobre, 2013 - 9:30   et    Jeudi 10 Octobre, 2013 - 17:00
Mercoledì 09/10/2013 e Giovedi, 10/10/2013
Mittwoch, 9., und Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013
Wednesday 9 and Thursday, October 10, 2013

Building TREVES - 74 rue de Trèves, 1000 Brussels

The main working languages during this Conference are French, Italian, English

Le CEREPPOL organise une conférence sur les enjeux du développement durable, dans l'optique d'une convergence entre emploi et développement durable après 2014.
Cet événement réunira tous les résponsables politiques européens, et les repéresentants des trois Institution (Commission, Parlement européen, Comité Economique et Social).

 * * *
The European Research Center on Forward Political Studies is pleased to invite you at the fist Brussels of Environment and Sustainable Development. This theme is enhanced in the context of a convergence between employment and sustainable development after 2014.
This event will take place at the European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels)
This moment will bring together all the European policymakers, and the representatives of the three Institutions (Commission, European Parliament, Economic and Social Committee).

* * *
Il CEREPPOL organizza una conferenza sulle sfide dello sviluppo sostenibile nel contesto di una convergenza tra lavoro e sviluppo economico-sociale sostenibile dopo il 2014.
Questo evento riunirà tutti i politici europei e rappresentanti delle tre istituzioni europee (Commissione, Parlamento europeo, Comitato economico e sociale).

Dans le cadre de la préparation de cette rencontre européenne, le CEREPPOL lance un appel à contribution scientifique et technique
In the context of the preparation of this European meeting, the European Research Center on Forward Political Studies is calling upon scientific and technical contribution.
Deadline for submission : Thursday, 26 of September 2013. 

Interested by further details : CLIC HERE

See draft document : Conference - Leaflet

You are always welcome. Europe is yours !

mardi 23 juillet 2013

Appel à propositions - Call for proposals : European Conference on sustainable development and employement


First European Conference preparing the “Brussels of sustainable development 2014-2020”

Comité économique et social européen (Bruxelles)
European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels)

9 et 10 octobre 2013 -October, 9 - 10, 2013 

This year with the help of the European Parliament and the European Economic and social Committee, the CEREPPOL (European Center for Research and Political Prospective) is organizing the First EU Conference to set up the “Brussels of sustainable development 2014-2020”.

Under the UN leadership too and in accordance with the ECOSOC Committee, this conference is a first stage to undertake a cross-grounds' dialogue between civil society organizations and other key stakeholders at the national /European/ international level.

Many NGO’s and associations are invited to assist and participate to this event.

To welcome you, CEREPPOL provides an exclusive environment inside the European Economic and Social Committee, at Brussels.

This meeting will be organized as follows. First day i.e. Wednesday 9 of October 2013, the Conference begins at 9:45 AM (09H30) and finishes at 6:00PM (18H00) (deadline). Second day, i.e. Thursday 10 of October 2013, the second session Conference will begins at 9:30 AM (09H30) and finishes at 5:00 PM (17H00).

People interested to assist this Conference can apply for accreditation to CEREPPOL, Institutional Relations Secretary, by email mentioning all the information required such as Name, address, state, date of birth and citizen's id. card or passport number.

Note that the access to the European Economic and social Committee is not granted in case you are not in possession of a valid identity document. Thank you for your comprehension.

People involved in a specific and relevant work in the field of sustainable development (Doctoral researcher, Post-doctoral researchers, Members of NGO, freelance researchers…) can apply for this Call for Papers. We remind you that deadline for submitting your project is September 16 -2013.

In any case, your request or your “Papers” can be sent till September 16, 2013 to this institutional mail: inst.relations_secretary@cereppol.eu.

For further information, visit our web site : see link below.

See conditions for applying to this OPEN SPACE / CONFERENCE on the Internet website of CEREPPOL.
Prenez connaissance des conditions pour candidater et proposer votre "papier" scientifique lors de la manifestation.
Languages of work : French/Français, English, Anglais/ Italian, Italien / Spanish, Espagnol




dimanche 7 juillet 2013

Fil presse - Newswires article (2), July 2013, 7.

Un nouvel article de presse gratuit est disponible sur le site institutionnel du CEREPPOL

A new press article is now available on our institutional website

"France ou quand la « violette » fait valser l’UMP" 

extrait / short Abstract
"Lever des fonds qui sentent la violette : une fleur toute en colorature pour une UMP à la dérive.
La fête à la violette avec son caractère festif, quelque peu suranné, et avec ses causeries champêtres, ses témoignages d’amitiés avec des militants dont aucun dirigeant politique présent n’aura retenu le nom dès demain, ses accents de sursaut patriotiques, n’aura berné personne.
Même le soleil, et les vacances, n’auront pas eu raison de l’esprit critique qui guide la raison. L’insolation supposée ne doit pas faire croire à une amnésie, mais doit permettre de poser un différentiel politique plus poussé (...)."

samedi 29 juin 2013

INVITATION - Press conference, Conférence de presse

Political and Media event 

A vos agendas, si cela n’est pas encore fait !
Le Mouvement pour l’Europe des Citoyens organise sa conférence de presse. L’événement aura lieu à Valence, Drôme (F), dans la salle de conférence de l’Hôtel de France.

Pour toute information complémentaire, reportez-vous au site Facebook du parti politique.
C’est de vous dont il est question, ça parle de l’Europe !

Mark your calendars, if it’s not too late!
The European Movement for Citizens, European Political party, invites you to its next Press conference. 

If interested to have more information, please visit the Facebook official account of the political party.

The European Movement for Citizens, Political party is glad to invite you to the press conference that will take place in VALENCE (France), Tuesday 2, July 2013 - 09:30 AM.
The conference will offer the opportunity to expose the objectives of the Political party for the next elections (2014) and after.

Please note that this conference is open to a large public : upload the invitation card before coming and show it to the reception desk when you are arrived.

My Europe is your Europe : join the debate now ! YOUR ARE WELCOME

dimanche 23 juin 2013

Press Release - Communiqués de presse

Employement - Social Affairs

Communiqué de presse - Emploi : Le CEREPPOL attend le feu vert du Gouvernement pour lancer l'expérimentation du dispositif 'Protée'

Press Release - Employment : CEREPPOL's waiting for "green light" of French Government to experience new PROTEE scheme in Drôme Region.

European Union - EU Citizenship
"Quel citoyen européen voulons-nous être au juste ?

L’Année 2013 a été conçue par la Commission et le Parlement européen comme étant le moment privilégié qui célèbre la rencontre décloisonnée entre les citoyens de l’UE et leurs Institutions. Le rêve pouvait être des plus séduisants : l’idée de rendre les citoyens acteurs du changement, c’est-à-dire leur donner le pouvoir de peser sur l’organisation et le fonctionnement du triangle institutionnel, allait dans le sens d’un « progrès ». Dans les faits, le rêve ne tient plus que par un fil. La perspective de l’échéance électorale liée aux prochaines élections européennes de 2014 suscite les plus vives inquiétudes. Elle n’aura abusé personne." (lire la suite / Read more) 

Visit our Facebook page and read more  / Lire la suite sur notre page Facebook 

vendredi 21 juin 2013

Communiqué de presse - Valorisez votre expérience et dynamisez votre savoir-faire


Do you really want to experience an efficiency collaborative work in the field of EU policy-making ?

Move you mind and join the CEREPPOL to be one of the "student experts".

Vivez une expérience collaborative unique : intégrez le réseau d'experts européen du CEREPPOL.

Pour plus d'informations - For more information, please follow us on Facebook (share this information with the people around you and be in great number)

Suivez l'information en vous connectant à Facebook - page officielle du CEREPPOL (et diffusez le message autour de vous)

jeudi 13 juin 2013

Fil presse - Newswires article

Regarding EU situation especially  the overall increase of extremism inside the European House (National Front), the CEREPPOL Board appeals to a great sustain to the action of the new Political party "Mouvement pour l'Europe des Citoyens".

We join forces with the position expressed by the EU political Party. Please, be WITH US : give this Party your support as we doBe active !

Le Mouvement pour l'Europe des Citoyens vous informe 
The Eu Movement for Citizens is pleased to inform you...

Conférence de Presse - Press Conference

Le M.E.C. vous invite à la Conférence de Presse qui officialisera le lancement du nouveau parti politique trans-européen.

The M.E.C. leaders are pleased to invite you to attend the Press Conference that officially launches the new political party in Europe.

Plus d'info ? 
Wanna have more information ?

Suivez le guide sur Facebook... Follow your guide on Facebook

Vous êtes les bienvenus - You are welcome !

lundi 3 juin 2013

President of M.E.C. Party call to all EU CITIZENS today

First Call to all the UE Citizens who want to change deeply Europe institutions and destiny

"Nous voici à l’heure des choix. Je m’adresse à tous les européens (les jeunes, les laissés pour compte, les déçus du licenciement et de l’abandon, les hommes et les femmes qui ont été trahis, à ceux qui refusent l’issue de la tyrannie de la pensée, le fascisme, les extrémismes, ceux qui ne veulent plus revivre les temps de division et de haine ethnique…), pour lancer un appel à la mobilisation des forces vives de notre vaste Europe." (...)  .. lire la suite sur Facebook.

"Now we are facing choices for tomorrow.  I am calling on all European citizens’ volunteers; I think to the Youth on the Move, those who are left behind construction, Men and Women who have been betrayed by former broken promises, all those who do not accept the single mindset, fascism, extremism, those who fear to revive ancient time of shame and ethnic segregation…). I rise today in this global world to speak about the day of action that we are waiting for so long." (...) ... read the declaration on Facebook

lundi 27 mai 2013

Political event: New European transnational party in Europe “made in France” now available. Join the debate.

The European movement for Citizens' (in French “Mouvement pour l’Europe des citoyens ©®) leader François DI SALVO is sending out a call for an innovative citizen team building for a new governance in Europe.

The socioeconomic model of Europe appears to be a determining feature of the new objectives of the EU. From the point of view of democracy, nothing much has changed in Europe, even when policymakers have had the intention to improve a new pattern of open society.

In a few words, criteria of change were not very obvious and explicit: on the one hand, it is very difficult to rely on the forecast of EU particularly when the changes turned out to be temporary. Since Amsterdam treaty, citizens were proposed to invest on Europe as a valid economic structure. After a period trial of 15 years, many of the individual “investors” have noticed the bankrupt of the political system. Contrary to States who can provide new means of development for themselves, people are locked up in a cell, counting the minutes left of their life.
Who cares about this, really...  except when things are going wrong inside the EU political Meccano itself?
 On the other hand, this political system has fixed a certain number of conditions to avoid citizens to modulate or change internal rules that are still allowing policymakers to concoct a special dish that suits to the majority. Do you really think it is a fair behaviour when a European rule fixes the condition of recognition of who is admitted to be a political party?
Step by step, citizens’ voice is collapsing into a no-man's land that deserves the common interest and advantages a form of political oligarchy. Moreover, have you ever tried to join you political deputy in Brussels or Strasbourg ?  Most of the time, they are too busy at works to debate on the absinthe question, obviously. Who can explain, then, that during that same working time some have the time to chat on tweeter?  Shall we presume that 7 790 euro per month is only a small compensation for a few hours of political debate on social networks? Within this period, many workers are getting on the dole... Everything is all for the best in the best of all worlds.
Enough is enough.  Such a situation poses a major challenge to the European movement for Citizens: time has come to reboot the entire system. 741 million of EU Citizens are waiting to be rescued because of the empowerment of a profit model of association that damages the concept of an increasingly prosperous Europe of full employment.
To clearly notify European deciders the fact that citizens’ voice is what helps Europe to make the difference, the board of the EMC party is launching today a worldwide appeal to join the movement. Call for adhesion and cooperative support for a more comprehensive Europe. 

Your voice, your passion, your energy must fuel our overall thinking as we face the future.

Your opinion, your force our commitment. Be active : eu.movementforcitizens@gmail.com  BecauseYou are very important to us.

Join us on Facebook :

mercredi 22 mai 2013

European Union apathy : President of CEREPPOL gets a foot on the door for EU votes in 2014.

Next EU elections scheduled for May 2014 : EU apathy versus CEREPPOL's President new emerging voice *
General directorate of Institutional relations, CEREPPOL.
* This release is provided for information purposes, and is being consulted by journalists all over the world.
   General information provided by INSTANT RP, communication.

"Creating a new "made in Europe" way of living. Francois Di Salvo, President in Office of the EU organization, is proposing to EU citizens who want to join him the new deal that will change our everyday life after 2014."


France and Europe of lost illusions: the President of CEREPPOL ready to "invest the political field" for the next elections scheduled for 2014.

"2013 is the time of choice for citizens but also for policy makers ... fatalism is not a solution. We must mobilize and restore a healthy ambition to everyone. "

France has given birth to a political majority; Europe has played his last trump card. Ultimately all that has not permitted to remove the civil society and the 740 million European citizens of fatalism in which everyone is drowning today.
François Di Salvo, current Chairman of CEREPPOL (website), can not hold his anger in drawing up, at all levels of civil society, the list of ailments that so cruelly deprive European citizens the chance to live in an area of peace and freedom that provides dignity to all.
Some causes: The great continuity trends and directions, from one year to another, which is no longer attracting. It may also be mentioned that the various current politicians no longer embody a very limited hope to see Europe built around real values, but also speak with one voice.
It is therefore a red card, which CEREPPOL is producing today to the Heads of State and Government, and with good reason. Only five of 27 European leaders have responded to the "Call of February 18, 2013" issued by the CEREPPOL (France, Belgium, Spain, European Commission, European Parliament).
In short, a low morale, a growth that approaches the economic status of India during the '60 and the underdeveloped countries in the early '50, the European population is tired to see the impotence of political facing how the world works.
From this deplorable observation, François Di Salvo opts for a political commitment to serve the European citizens. Meet the defined change and solidarity, only a "European Spring" is able to reach to that point.
This spring has come now: a new message should be clearly indicated in our policy makers. A great political movement is seeing the day in the Drôme department (France) in the interest of 740 million citizens.
In the coming weeks the launch will take in a press conference from the future headquarters of the new political party. Members of written and audio-visual media will then be able to relay this new hope "Made in Drôme."

samedi 11 mai 2013

Fête de l'Europe - Europe Day celebration

En avant la Fête de l'Europe 2013 

So let the Europe Day celebration begin !

This year the celebration will take place in TOURNON SUR RHONE (07300) - FRANCE
Cette année l'événement se déroulera à TOURNON SUR RHONE (07300) - FRANCE

From May 15 to May 16, 2013 - 09:00 until 16:30 

"Lycée du Sacré Cœur" 
7 avenue de la Gare 07300 TOURNON SUR RHÔNE, F.

Suivez ce lien pour accéder à l'information.
Follow this link for further information :
European Celebration Day 2013 in Tournon SUR RHONE, France

L'événement s'adresse à l'ensemble des lycéens des classes de 1ère et de Terminale.

This Open Space event is dedicated to all pupils on final grade, and the last two classes at High school, on the occasion of the European Celebration Day.